About Me

Colin LeMieux - System's Analyst
"Software is a great combination between artistry and engineering." -Bill Gates
Marquette University graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Elecrical and Computer Engineering, I am currently a systems analyst for the healthcare organization Allina Health with a focus on medical technology systems.
I design, implement, and maintain the infastructure for radiologists and cardiaologsts to facilitate diagnostic reading workflow from the overarching server integration to granular workstation configurations. I love technology and feel fortunate to work in an environment that lets me leverage the latest tech the industry has to offer in order to implement a real world application that has a positive impact.
“Colin is 30% nerd, 25% outdoor enthusiast, 11% gym rat, 10% hipster, 9% romantic smoosher, 9% bro gear head, and 6% recluse.”
Jolene Krynauw, Colin's sister-in-law and accurate personality profiler
My Skills
HL7 82%
SQL 75%
Programming 75%
While I consider myself a master of a few skills, I wouldn't ever rate my competancy at 100%. There's always advancements being made, standards being redefined, and being mindful that mastering a skill has no ceiling can lead to excellence.
Everyone struggles to stay motivated. I curb this by having a realistic approach to issues and to overdocument progress and set-backs. I use a divide and conquer method if the problem is ever increasing and seems impossible to solve.
Growing up and through college I worked in the food service industry. This experience has taught me a lot about how a positive attitude can have a huge impact. I remind myself of this daily, whether I'm dealing with radiologists, engineers, and co-workers.